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Я не могу поверить что все это делает именно Тон. Как хорошо то :D

Revision: 53326

Author: ton


Region scrollbar fix!

Now scrollbars correctly hide and show, making space for the actual contents

in a region. It solves several old hacks, and puts view2d code a bit more

back in control as well.

Implementation notes:

- The view2d mask feature is working again

- The #define V2D_SCROLL_HORIZONTAL_HIDE means: "turn on hiding".

- Code for UI_view2d_region_reinit() is enforcing better standard view settings

But... two hack/patches needed to be added:

- Region panel drawing: if after generating the button panels it appears

a scroller hides or reveils, it calls all the generating code again.

(a simple scale doesn't work due to rounding differences in layout code)

- View2d code that maps 'tot' and 'cur' rects: if this code detects that

the mask changes, it calcs the map code again.

Also a bugfix (issue in 2.65)

- The left/bottom area split widget was drawing 1 pi

Дата сообщения: 26.12.2012 22:48 [#] [@]


Revision: 53344

Author: ton

New features!

- Packing .blend files

If you work a lot with dynamic linked .blend files ("Libraries"), it's always hard to

share your work with others (or for bug reports!).

This new option packs all used external .blend files, and - on save - combines it together

in one .blend file. You can save that file on any location.

Loading a packed .blend file then loads all library data usual - not editable.

Just use unpack to save out all linked .blend files. This will only save out the files

according the directory structure as was used on linking - relative to the current .blend.

It will create new directories, so be careful with unpacking when relative paths go up.

This feature also works fine for linked compressed .blend files.

It also works for many levels deep linked .blend hierarchies.

Access is hidden for now - I need to get some people to give it serious testing first.

You can find the options via spacebar search (try pack or unpack).

- Packed data and Undo

Now all packed data is excluded from the Undo buffer storage. Keeps undo memory smaller

and makes faster redo possible.

Дата сообщения: 27.12.2012 23:09 [#] [@]

Тон молодец. А я думал, что он не кодит уже давно, что его, как он сам выражается, хватает на имейлы Wink

Радует, что занялись подобными мелочами.

Дата сообщения: 28.12.2012 01:29 [#] [@]

Безумно радует, что наконецто!! кто то занялся ТОДОсами и user requestами. А т.к. в следующем году никакого опенмуви уже не будет, то я думаю Тон продолжит работать в таком же темпе вплоть до начала depsgraph рефактора.

Дата сообщения: 28.12.2012 11:58 [#] [@]

Хаааааааийр!! redjump

Revision: 53373

Author: broadstu

Log Message:


New feature

Patch [#33445] - Experimental Cycles Hair Rendering (CPU only)

This patch allows hair data to be exported to cycles and introduces a new line segment primitive to render with.

The UI appears under the particle tab and there is a new hair info node available.

It is only available under the experimental feature set and for cpu rendering.

Дата сообщения: 28.12.2012 21:41 [#] [@]

Круто-круто! Больше фич хороших и разных! =)

Дата сообщения: 29.12.2012 12:24 [#] [@]

Про теплейты и ассеты особенно понравилось ^^


I've been revamping my skills with .blend files recently. File reading options in Blender is getting a bit messy, so I'll do a cleanup of all flags and conventions to detect what a file is (or what it needs to load).

What's new already is:

- save only user preferences in empty file

- save a selection to a file (currently only for object copy/paste)

- autoload of .blend file, with working relative links to original

- pack and unpack all used .blend libraries

On the todo:

- make copy/paste selections work in different contextes too (like nodes)

- allow 'save selection to blender file' (using above feature)

While reviewing a proposal from Gaia Clary in irc, I thought two new features would be welcome here too:

- Template .blend files

Basically working similar to startup.blend, allow to load without setting 'current file'.

Nice for training situations as well.

- Asset .blend files

These are regular .blend files, but they get loaded on start, and store a list of standard assets that can be added for all default "Add new ID" options. That way you can manage nice default/settings for materials, shader trees, meshes, rigs, etc.

Such assets can be presented in menus grouped by blend file. So for example a shift+a Add Object Mesh can get extended with:

Add Object


- Mesh


- (standard set from py)

- Animals


- Dragon Baby

- Bunny

- Buildings


- Oude Kerk

- Shaman Hut

The "Add New" button in Blender everywhere can provide a similar of templates, with "default" or so as the current standard empty option.

We can bundle in blender a default asset.blend, and allow users to point in User Preferences to any directory (and Blender reads all and makes available in UI).

Working with such assets is than similar to library-append, but nicer integrated.

An "ID" name convention can be added to excluse data from being listed.

Obviously, Andrea's project for an Asset manager UI could use all of this too.

My first target would be to just use this to design better looking defaults in Blender, so you can quicker get results.


Дата сообщения: 29.12.2012 23:48 [#] [@]

Надеюсь, это всё окажется уже в 2.66. Скорей бы, скорей бы notworthy

Дата сообщения: 30.12.2012 01:06 [#] [@]

DynTopo в транке!

Дата сообщения: 31.12.2012 01:23 [#] [@]

Ну вот.... ну наконецто

Revision: 53608

Author: psy-fi

Eyecandy feature: background gradient for 3D viewport.

Дата сообщения: 06.01.2013 22:25 [#] [@]

А оно реально нужно?

Хотя, конечно, чем больше настроек и инструментов, тем лучше.

Дата сообщения: 07.01.2013 01:13 [#] [@]


А это элементарная эстетика. ))) С градиентным бэком работать как-то приятней. ))

Дата сообщения: 07.01.2013 10:12 [#] [@]

Ну ни кож не заставляет градиент включать, а лично у меня глаз ну ооочень сильно радуется когда я работаю в браше, модо или мая.

Теперь ждем маткап солид шейдинг модэ!

А там можт и кавити запилят Wink

Дата сообщения: 07.01.2013 14:45 [#] [@]

Да мне и одноцветный фон вполне себе эстетичен =)

Хотя теперь, конечно, буду юзать градиент. Прогресс не остановить! =)

Дата сообщения: 07.01.2013 16:55 [#] [@]

Ах вот почему fbx никто не любит.

И каким таким образом автодеск хочет продвигать этот кросплатформенный формат с такими то ограничениями?

1.1 Is the FBX SDK covered by the GPL license?

No, the FBX SDK is not covered by the GPL license. In fact, the source code is not available. See question 1.3.

1.2 Can I redistribute the FBX SDK?

You cannot redistribute or repackage the FBX SDK without written permission from Autodesk. If you create open-source code that uses the FBX SDK, distribute your code and include a link to the Autodesk FBX website so the user can install the FBX SDK. If your code needs a specific version of the SDK you can distribute the complete .exe from the Autodesk FBX website.

1.3 Is there source code available?

The source code for the FBX SDK is not available. Some source code exists for customizing the Maya and 3ds Max FBX plug-ins and is packaged in the FBX Extensions SDK, not in the FBX SDK.

Источник: http://area.autodesk.com/forum/autodesk-fbx/fbx-sdk/fbx-sdk-...

Дата сообщения: 07.01.2013 18:19 [#] [@]

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Количество просмотров у этой темы: 216803.

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