Список разделов » Dominance War 5
Fred, come back....we need you!
Автор: RIDDICK![]() |
По просьбе участников открываю тему, в которой каждый желающий сможет на английском написать Фреду послание от себя, после чего я дам ему ссылку на эту тему. Я думаю ему будет очень приятно увидеть столько друзей | ||
Автор: PSIwolf![]() | Cсылка на онлайн переводчик, для тех кто не шпрехает по ангицки, но тоже хочет написать несколько добрых и теплых слов Фреду: | ||
Автор: RIDDICK![]() | marat-ars
| ||
Автор: PSIwolf![]() | Hello Fred! I am very sad about the fact that you have decided to resign as leader. And I wanted to ask you to think again about this decision: we are all humans, we all make mistakes. And the only way to protect yourself from them: inaction. Now the contest is sent to the bottomless vortex of suspense: what will be, as is, where will it lead? And from the world's history is well known: the strong state can only be one king. When the state has many rulers, it only leads to discord and strife. By this I will say honestly: I think the future contests without your leadership will be very sad ... So maybe better to breathe in the contest is something new, better, but through creative work. For example: to consult with lawyers about the profit; search major sponsors, and so on. After all, can refuse at any time ...
If your commitment is unwavering: it is your right and we all respect him (though not very welcome, as without you - DW lose too much). And I can only express my sincere gratitude for your endless patience and courage that you have shown during these five years. I still really want to shake his head sadly and bitterly breathe, looking at how some people are willing to kill and strangle the great undertaking for just two dollars and an endless envy.
Sincerely, V.Larsen (aka PSIwolf).
(Поправте в грамматике если где-то сильно накосячил, а то я с английским - не очень дружу) | ||
Автор: griffinfly![]() | Hello Fred, I'd like to tell you that I think you're one of the most generous persons I ever knew, running that monster of a contest was tough I'm sure. Unfortunately I only got enough skill and courage to enter this year, and it's a great pity that all of this happened .. I think you really should consider an option of making the participation in the contest a paid thing, I bet noone (incl. me) will get hurt of paying, say, 1-5 bucks for entering the contest, and that would help loads.
Anyway, regardless of what you'll decide .. you did an AWESOME work and you're one of the persons to be taken example from.
As it was said somewhere on this forum, "too bad Fred didn't consult a lawyer and a promouter before hand, could've been a millionaire by now". Still, it's all in your hands
Hope you'll feel better! Kisses! - Olga | ||
Автор: lorenze | Hello, Fred! Respect to you, you single-handedly created a grand event for artists from around the world. Do not listen to you pathetic accusations of forum trolls. Trolls come and go, but the Dominance War forever!
Best regards - Vadim | ||
Автор: mynglam![]() | Hi, Fred! It's amazing that you alone bear DW all 5 years! Happen and black stripes, but be strong, do not leave our beloved child, it will be very sad if it ruin, especially you. I think most members will support you. If you encounter difficulties, appeal to the community, for that case one and exist.
Best regards, Mynglam. | ||
Автор: jonik![]() | Fred, you very good man! Do not stop, keep doing great things. Like you're 1 in a million. My best regards! | ||
Автор: Alexandra Petruk![]() | Hi there, Fred! I've alredy told that to the others and now I want to tell it to you that you are my hero. Those challenges that you organized are really the best I've ever been into. Participating in DW and UC is the greatest school for an artist and I had great experience being a participant, so I want to thank you so much! I agree to the point that without you DW will be different and I wish you best luck and patience and lots of lots of lots of money! Respect to how you handled it all alone!
Best regards and heartful thanks, Alexandra Petruk | ||
Автор: SintoRisky![]() | for Fred ^^ I am really thankful for that grand competition. Never thought that a single man was behind it all this time. Most of the russian community stands for you- you can be sure about that. Hope you will destroy Polycount! | ||
Автор: charlyxxx![]() | Hi, Fred! You are very cool people! I admire your creatures, and you're a fine fellow, that took a step toward the reunification of 3D and 2D artists. You come a long way, has done a lot for us and we will thank you! You deserve a great deal and it will do you good, I believe all get better with our help and you do not leave us, you will be with us. Good luck! | ||
Автор: big-green-frog![]() | Dear Fred! We are all very worried about your fate and the fate of competitions DW and UC. How pleasant to know that still there are people, ready to take everything out of pure enthusiasm. I hope you don't give up and not lose faith in themselves. 5 years - a long time. And by your actions you give a great example to all of us. Those who don't appreciate your hard work - selfish and dishonest people. But our community and I personally fully support you, Fred. Don't worry strongly and don't lose self-confidence. You are great person! I wish good luck and patience to you!
Alexander Chernykh
Forgive, if my English is bad | ||
Автор: Edvart![]() | Thanks for all, Fred! You are the true Samurai! | ||
Автор: KageRott![]() | Hello, Fred! I don't believe, that after 5 years you are leaving dominance and all of us! It's your choice, and I have respect for it. But I don't see the dominance without you. You are father and leader of this contest, and a lot of people from around the world want to see you on this post in the future. You are amazing man! You are a legend! Thank you for all!
best regards KageRott | ||
Автор: Illusion![]() | Hi Fred, you are real ninja, you know ))))
My English is not good enough to describe all what I'm feeling. Thank you for all what you did for thousands artists from all the world. We all really appreciate it DW is an important event in the life of each game artist and this is a great act of bravery - organize such event itself. And I think nobody can repeat it. DW without Fred is not DW.
So, pleeeeease, don't leave us!
May be it's possible to involve in organizing other forums to help you, but without you as a leader all die at all.
Regards, Julia |
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