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emPolygonizer2 v.2.05

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Насколько я понял, плагин для XSI. Для создания "метаболов"



emPolygonizer2 is a custom operator that allows you to create what is typically called "metaballs".

The basic technique used by this plug-in is called "polygonising a scalar field" or "marching cubes". It was invented in the mid-eighties by Lorensen and Cline.

The plug-in consists of a "DLL" file (Windows) or "so" file (Linux) for the operator (compiled C++ code for 32 bit and 64 bit versions of XSI) as well as several VB Script files."


Видео - красотища!! Wink

Дата сообщения: 21.10.2010 14:15 [#] [@]

Количество просмотров у этой темы: 2751.

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