» Просмотр работы в галерее, автор sanskarans

Inspired from SQUARE ENIX characters i thought of creating a character concept design of my own.

Myth says \"Deep with in the Dark swamps of ''Demetherium''( A place where remains of ancient warriors were buried), awaits a spirit of an ancient warrior who hunts down the sinners souls .People who saw the spirit gave him a name DEMON ARCHER.

Here i portrayed the character standing in dark swamp of a fictional place called Demetherium (Ancient warriors burial place).The remains is placed to give the dark horror feel to the picture.

Thank you very much for all the support

2010 © Sanskarans

SANS Entertainment 2010



а чето и интертейнмент и все дела...а какая то....кхм...никогда такой дизайн не нравился. И вот это желание написать про перса целое эссе и все для чего?) вот для этого?О_о

03.08.2010 в 21:13 #

Да уж, слабенько тут)..

03.08.2010 в 23:04 #

Последние работы

The Breeder
Demon From The Deep
The Invaders
Wake Up Call
Forbidden Garden

Случайные работы

City Of Tomorrow
The Beings
The Red Lady
Chosen One
Lady In The Garden
The Guardian
Alien World