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Demon Archer

Inspired from SQUARE ENIX characters i thought of creating a character concept design of my own.
Myth says \"Deep with in the Dark swamps of ''Demetherium''( A place where remains of ancient warriors were buried), awaits a spirit of an ancient warrior who hunts down the sinners souls .People who saw the spirit gave him a name DEMON ARCHER.
Here i portrayed the character standing in dark swamp of a fictional place called Demetherium (Ancient warriors burial place).The remains is placed to give the dark horror feel to the picture.
Thank you very much for all the support
2010 © Sanskarans
SANS Entertainment 2010
а чето и интертейнмент и все дела...а какая то....кхм...никогда такой дизайн не нравился. И вот это желание написать про перса целое эссе и все для чего?) вот для этого?О_о
Да уж, слабенько тут)..