Morning Sun 00

i started this project 1 year ago because i wanted to add something interesting to my demo reel, i always loved interior lighting but never had the chance to make any, after i quite my last job i thought its the time to start and improve my reel
i spent most of the time in mental ray part while creating this project.
there was a lot to troubleshoot and learn, i changed the floor, walls and rugs textures and materials so many times till i settle up, i used final gather only with sun and sky, background and color correction are done in Fusion,
-the pair of abstract paintings on the left wall is called: Dance dynamics by the artist: Magda Wieclawska
-the painting on the narrow wall is called: Mirocosmos by The Humbug
the painting on the front wall is called: The_Musician by the artist: Brian Hinkle link:
Good work!
Welcome to arttalk
Nice work! Рleasant atmosphere and lighting, i like it))
Thank you much for the nice comments, its my honer to show the picture in the gallery!
Oh, you know my opinion
Really nice
Thank you
GREAT!!! I cant say anything more.