Список разделов » 3D полезности, плагины » 3DMax

Radius Effector

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is a Blackbox for Thinking Particles. It will help you to create animations (rotation, scale, position, material) on a large number of objects without creating lots of keyframes, only based on a distance from a null object.

You have a direct feedback from your modifications. Its based on Cinema 4d “mograph” tools. There is an option to break your object based on his faces with only one button (like PolyFx in cinema 4d). Also you can use gravity and physics and destroy your objects very quick and easy.

Try it! its free, You can download it here:http://www.andvfx.com/radius_effector/

Дата сообщения: 13.07.2012 21:23 [#] [@]

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