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Вышел Service Pack 1 для Corel Painter 11!

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Corel выпустил пакет обновления Service Pack 1 для Painter 11.

Обновление содержит следующие улучшения и исправления:


  • Improved on-screen transformations when using the Transformations tool.

  • Enhanced rendering when applying transformations, which produces a better preview of the final transformed content.

  • Transforming layer content that is larger than, or outside, the canvas is no longer clipped to the edge of the canvas. Residual effect of an anti-aliased edge is no longer left on-screen after making a selection. Undoing a transformation works as expected.

  • Residual artifacts do not remain on-screen.

Copying and Pasting

  • Improved copying and pasting from other applications.

  • Copying text into Painter works as expected.

  • Eraser.

  • Selecting the eraser, resizing it, and then switching to the original brush, maintains both the brush and the eraser size.

Color Management

  • When color management is enabled, colors display as expected when displaying documents on a second monitor.

  • User-installed color profiles that are stored within the user folder appear as expected in the Painter color management settings.

  • Opening files without color management, or with color management disabled, will now appear unmodified.

  • An image’s color profile is maintained when the image is cloned.

  • Painter no longer crashes when opening a JPEG with an embedded CMYK profile.


  • When idling, CPU usage is reduced.

  • Painter is more responsive within a Windows Vista 64-bit environment.

  • When resizing a brush to a larger brush size, minimal memory errors should occur.

  • The Open Document dialog box within Mac OSX10.5 and Mac OSX10.6 displays correctly.

  • Paperselector is available. You no longer need to open a document to access it.


  • Smart-stroke painting system is reset when re-starting to allow multiple auto-painting attempts.

  • If the smart-stroke painting system is stopped and then re-started, it starts from the beginning, instead of starting where the previous image was stopped.

  • If the smart-stroke painting system is stopped and then you open a second image for painting, the new painting starts from the beginning, instead of starting where the previous image was stopped.

  • Clone color can be turned off, which allows the auto-painting to paint with its own color.

Color Wheel / Mixer

  • Resizing Color Wheel and Mixer palettes appear within their own palettes, which will allow you to resize them separately.

Обновление для Macintosh и Windows можно скачать по следующему адресу:


Дата сообщения: 14.01.2010 10:33 [#] [@]

Было бы неплохо все это по русски еще Wink)

Дата сообщения: 14.04.2010 00:19 [#] [@]

аяяй инглиш учить надо

Дата сообщения: 13.04.2010 14:51 [#] [@]

вышел бы уже лучше патч к 12му Search

Дата сообщения: 10.08.2011 19:39 [#] [@]

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