» Просмотр работы в галерее, автор sanskarans
Mad As Madhatter

lice in Wonderland'' MadHatter and brilliant concept design of Michael Kutsche, with mind blowing acting performance of Johnny Depp,my whimsy mind put a quest on my ability test.So i portrayed another great Jim carry as MAD Hatter.
I used reference image of Jim carry and Mia Wasikowska for picturing beautiful Alice.
I am sharing process along with this image.I hope you all will like it.
Work is completely done in Photoshop
I have sincere thanks to Fabio Caserini ( Case ) for including this work in summer edition of Amazing Events issue 7( CGWaves Publishing - Italy ).
Here is the close ups of the image
You can see some steps here
Thank you
какой интерес рисовать существующих персов так как они изображенны в фильмах + вставлят ьфотку прям из фильмака девочку
я бы с удовольствием посмотрел этот фильм с участием Джима Кери в роли шляпника имхо
шляпник прикольный только вот пиджак и шляпа налеплеными смотрятся
Thank you very much for the support . I am very glad you people like it.Thanks again
Good work
Thank you my friend.Great to hear it from you
I think U could better
but it`s good job man )))
Thank you very much.I am in learning mode .Need to improve a lot