» Просмотр работы в галерее, автор Ahmedmax
Monster Near A Basket Of Lemons

Hi All
Finally I finished this image .it is talk about monster mix Between octopus and Funny, Fool Animal from the Stone Age and this is my Feeling to this Character . I dont now what can you feel ?this Fool monster just want to discover this thing( Lemon) . After all the time of work on this project about one month .This work was Designed In 3ds max 2011 .The textures were done in photoshop .rendered with mental ray render time 23 Hour .I hope you like it.
all comments are welcome.
Thanks very much all
Wow, good work
ой, какая странная работа)))... ой твиндец, твиндец)))... 10+
awesome work man! i mean it will award!
Very good work
Just great work! Looking forward to the following works of the author
Just great work! Especially liked the lemons! Very realistic! +5
Very good that we can see here art works of our colleagues from other countries. Thx ! It seems awesome
I do like the work, but want to say that octopus looks less realistic than other stuff (which is amazing BTW). Good work, anyway
it not seems to me the octopus so realistic
Красивая штука. Вот прямо так наверное её можно скушать. Вкусно выглядит. Особенно лимончики.
Hey all, thanks a lot i really happy
Amazing...So realistic