» Просмотр работы в галерее, автор sanskarans

In dark and silent halloween nights

When Clock that rings at twelve midnight

Can hear that cat, wails as newborn child

Those who follows the cat screams might

Meet her figure , that horror in sight

With a cat in her lap, she rocks to and fro

As if she were mentally ill or so

She casts some spells, that rangs echos

One who dares to look at her blazing eyes

Would turn to a cat, at that sight

- Sanskarans

Happy Halloween 2013

Stay scared ;)

© Sanskarans

SANS Entertainment 2013

Последние работы

The Breeder
Demon From The Deep
The Invaders
Wake Up Call
Forbidden Garden

Случайные работы

Ufo Crash
Lady In The Garden
Terror ! Terror !